Arrangements during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Unfortunately, we have made the decision to cancel our support groups and activities for the time being. We will not be conducting home visits or face to face meetings until further notice.
However, our support service will continue, and you can contact us directly over the phone, by e-mail or through Facebook and we will be more than happy to help in any way we can. We hope to conduct more keep in touch calls with carers during this difficult time.
If you have any concerns or if you’re feeling lonely, please contact and remember to look after yourself and your loved ones.
As the situation rapidly changes, we are constantly receiving email updates from the government, the health board and community groups which are too numerous to include here. They are also subject to change – so if you want to know anything at all about your situation and the corona virus, please do get in touch through the usual channels. Our phone lines will stay open as they are being re-directed to our staff’s homes. Our staff have access to our central files so they can keep updated with the latest developments. We will do our best to help you.
You can contact us through:
• This website
• Our Facebook page
• Telephone: 01248 370797
• Email:
Coronavirus resources
Your local council’s website has information about services and community support for those that need it during the corona virus pandemic.
COVID-19 guidance for unpaid carers – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Learning Disability Wales has some useful information and some easy read guides: