1. Carer Support
We provide a wide range of source materials on caring and carers in North West Wales. We also provide information to professionals.
Carers and professionals alike may telephone our hubs to request information.
We provide information to carers by e-mail or post upon request.
We aim to provide information of all support available to carers locally and nationally. We signpost carers to other agencies for further information
Our website is a great source of information. Information is available on all aspects of caring to include welfare benefits, grants, carers’ rights, wellbeing and opportunities for carers. The website also provides information to professionals o include employers.
We publish information in several ways, Our leaflets and factsheets provide useful information and our newsletter provides up to date, relevant information to carers of all counties on a quarterly basis. We also utilise our Facebook and Twitter pages to share published information and also third party published information when relevant.
We arrange information days in all counties and collaborate with other agencies to share information. We arrange information days on Carers Rights day annually in all counties.
Carers may telephone or visit our hubs to receive emotional support at anytime. We are here to listen. We aim to help and empower carers to address issues relating to their caring role and that affect their wellbeing, lifestyle and choices.
Each carer registered on our database receives an annual review. During such review, we will assess their current situation and ensure that all their details are up to date and whether they require further support. More regular reviews may take place if appropriate to do so.
We will conduct home visits to carers if required due to mobility or transport issues, rurality of home address or simply if one to one support is deemed more appropriate.
We support carers with low level advocacy when required. We will contact health professionals, social services, or any external agencies on a carer’s behalf if he/she feels unable to do so him/herself.
We provide flexible and accessible support on a one to one basis in a range of different settings – hubs, at carers’ home, health settings to include Ysbyty Gwynedd, flu clinics, activities and events. We further provide group support in our monthly socialising meetings, group events, training and workshops. Peer support is also a special part of our monthly socialising meetings.
We provide support to carers to plan for an emergency. We will take our time to assess a carer’s situation and help him/her to complete an emergency plan sheet in case of any future emergency.
We will help carers to plan for the future, this may be through providing information, referring or signposting and by arranging training and workshops i.e Power of Attorney, Will writing or planning a Funeral. We aim to give all carers supported peace of mind.
We will support carers to remain in education and employment whilst in their caring role. We will further help carers to access education and return to employment.
We will continue to support carers for one year following the end of their caring role. We support carers to deal with grief by referring to specialist grief counsellors and we will of course provide emotional support. We endeavour to move ex-carers on to gain support from their community.
Our specialist information officer supports carers by ensuring they are receiving correct welfare benefits and entitlements. By working in partnership with DWP, our officer deals with all enquiries in an efficient and timely manner. Our officer can conduct benefit checks, provide information and support with applying for benefits and entitlements and can also refer on to specialist services if a carers wishes to appeal a decision.
We can also apply to benevolent funds and apply for specific grants for carers who are facing financial hardship. Grants may be awarded for household items, holidays or simply to cover essential outgoings when carers find themselves in a difficult situation due to a change in circumstances.
2. Specialist Support
Specialist support to parent carers of children with additional needs in Gwynedd
We provide specialist support to parent carers of children with additional needs in Gwynedd. Our Officer specialises in dealing with parent carer issues to include health, education, entitlements and overall wellbeing. Activities are also arranged all over Gwynedd for the whole family, which aim to provide inclusive, appropriate fun for all concerned in a safe environment.- Specialist support to parent carers of adults with learning difficulties in Gwynedd
We further provide specialist support to parent carers of adult with learning difficulties in Gwynedd. Our officer has specialist knowledge and experience in this area and will support carers with any issue that may arise. - Specialist welfare benefits and entitlements information support to all carers
Our specialist information officer supports carers by ensuring they are receiving correct welfare benefits and entitlements. By working in partnership with DWP, our officer deals with all enquiries in an efficient and timely manner. Our officer can conduct benefit checks, provide information and support with applying for benefits and entitlements and can also refer on to specialist services if a carers wishes to appeal a decision. - Specialist support to carers within secondary care health settings
We have a specialist officer working within the discharge team at Ysbyty Gwynedd providing tailored support to carers of in-patients and patient carers. Face to face tailored support is provided to ensure that carers receive the required support during their hospital stay and upon discharge. We also have a part- time officer working in Dolgellau and Tywyn hospital. - Accessing benevolent funds and grants for carers
Our officers can apply to benevolent funds and apply for specific grants for carers who are facing financial hardship. Grants may be awarded for household items, holidays or simply to cover essential outgoings when carers find themselves in a difficult situation due to a change in circumstances.
3. Carer Awareness
Professional Training
Professional training on carer awareness can be arranged for any statutory, private or voluntary company.- Carers Forum
We endeavour to hold carers forums regularly to assess need and also consult with carers with regards to any issues. We also participate on third party forums to ensure that the carer’s voice is heard. - Ad Hoc Focus Groups
Focus groups are arranged when required. - GP Facilitators
Our GP Facilitators work closely with all GP surgeries in our geographical area of interest to raise carer awareness. They also encourage the early identification of carers to ensure they receive timely support and encourage preventative measures of supporting carers. - Representation
We represent carers at many levels, by attending meetings, providing carer feedback to relevant bodies and also in the press. - Outreach and community development
We work closely within the community to ensure that support delivery is available to all carers, no matter where they live. We endeavour to develop communities that are inclusive and supportive of all carers.
4.Social Opportunities
Group Activities
Socialising groups for carers are held monthly in several different locations. Group activities support the development of peer networks, provide respite from caring and celebrate the contribution that carers male to the local community. - Events and Activities
Events and activities are arranged regularly for carers and activities are tailored to specific groups of carers such as parent carers, with certain events open to all carers. - Health and Well-being events
Health and well-being events are arranged regularly and are very popular. Mindfulness and dealing with stress are some of the topics covered and such events are well attended by carers. - Training and skill-based workshops
Training and skill-based workshops are arranged to meet need and demand. - Volunteering
Volunteering opportunities are available for carers, ex-carers and other individuals. Benefits of volunteering are widespread and we encourage individuals to volunteer in several ways, be it in an office based role, at a socialising group, fundraising or even knitting goods for our stall at Ysbyty Gwynedd.